Monday, August 22, 2011

Daughter, Sister, Girlfriend, Friend, Personal Trainer & a Work in Progress.

If asked to describe myself right now I'd say "a work in progress".  My hope for myself is that in 5 years, 15 years and 50 years if asked I'd still describe myself in the exact same way.  The fact of the matter is once you stop progressing you put a halt on progression (and no I did not just repeat myself).  I strive to reach goals everyday: checking everything off my to-do list that day, preparing for my next run to prepare for a half-marathon (whew) or being positive; once I check everything off my list I'll make a new one, once I finish the race I'll train for a triathlon and being positive takes minute-by-minute work.  The point is the work within you is never finished and there are no days off.  Choose your goals carefully and work diligently to achieve them: if you haven't reached them yet, your work is not yet done; if you have reached them, your work is not yet done.  Stop setting limits on yourself and start putting in the work.  No one has ever received a reward for being good enough and no one has ever been fulfilled by being complacent.

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