Monday, August 1, 2011

It Really Is Mind Over Matter...

A negative thought is similar to that annoyingly catchy song; once it's in your head you can't get it out.  Negative thoughts also have a way of producing other negative thoughts and so on and so forth until you've become the year round Scrooge.  We're all guilty of getting in a funk but the important thing is learning to pull yourself out of it.  Just like any other addiction the first step is admitting it. My hope for you is that you become aware of your negativity before anyone else has to point it out or even worse until you don't have anyone left to tell you.  People monitor their hours, their food intake, what their children are watching on television, who is dating who on facebook... but they aren't spending enough time monitoring the absolute biggest factor in their daily lives: their thoughts.  Start monitoring your thoughts.  Recognize negative self-talk as well as negativity toward others.  Spend the next few days becoming aware of every negative thought.  Once you are fully aware of any negativity slowly begin to replace each negative with a positive.  If you are thinking "I don't feel like doing this" replace it with "I'll feel so good when I finish".  As cliche as it sounds it really works! Wally Lamb said it best... "better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

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