Monday, July 25, 2011

Small triumphs will build enough momentum to win the whole war.

I've been thinking a lot lately about disasters. Natural disasters, political disasters, public disasters and the absolute worst kind: self-imposed disasters.  Quite a few of my clients will believe that I am speaking directly about them but that is only because so many of us (including yours truly) are guilty of setting ourselves up for disaster.  We are either asking too much of ourselves or making excuses for ourselves as well as asking too much of others and excusing them just the same.  The problem is we are consistently overwhelming ourselves with either what we need to do or what we have failed to do.  No one is about taking steps anymore it is always go, go, go and now, now, now. We decide what we want but instead of following a process to get there we expect it now, make excuses not to do the work and then when the deadline we so kindly made up passes we give up trying all together. A friend asked a client of mine what her weight loss goal is and then the follow up question was "what is your time frame?" my client quickly responded with "AS LONG AS IT TAKES." (ah! a woman after my own heart!!)  Deadlines may be set in the workplace to ensure productivity but in life deadlines halt productivity.  Life is a process. Everything worth having takes work.  If you want to get organized start small and build on it instead of trying to take on organizing your house, office and finances (whew the thought alone: disaster).  Start with the mail pile if you have to.  Want a good relationship? Don't try to take on every single problem at once (and definitely don't try take on others peoples') start with one thing and build.  Want to go on a diet? Start by replacing one bad habit every week or so.  Starting an exercise program? The Statue of David didn't get sculpted in a day and neither will your body. Small triumphs will build enough momentum to win the whole war.  Stop setting yourself up for disaster and start setting realistic goals and work at them for as long as it takes.

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