Monday, October 24, 2011

Be happy with what you have and grateful for what you get.

I had a great talk with a great friend this evening, a conversation that I believe left us both feeling happy.  Neither one of our circumstances had changed within that hour or so of talking but the way we felt about them did.  Too often people say "I'll be happy when...".  The truth of the matter is you can't attach your happiness to someone or something else.  Too much time is spent being unhappy about things we cannot control.  So you've hit an obstacle, gotten off track or had a bad day being bitter will not make it better; overcome the obstacle, get back on track and let go of the bad day.  

I try to pay close attention to my clients, their attitudes and their habits.  What I've come to learn is no matter how hard they work, how strong they are or how many hours they put in the clients with happy, positive attitudes have seen quicker and bigger success.  

Tomorrow, practice being happy with what you have and grateful for what you get.  You'll be surprised how easily you hurdle those obstacles.  

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