Monday, October 17, 2011

Raise Your Standards, Change Your Life.

There are two things I'd like to point out about this picture: 1. Each of these women have lost over 50 pounds 2. Each of these women have lost over 50 pounds by taking the TIME + EATING RIGHT + WORKING THEIR BUTTS OFF (literally). I would bet every dime I have that these women will NEVER gain that weight back because I KNOW they won't.  Losing weight is easy (in theory); Increase your calorie burn and decrease your calorie intake... pretty basic stuff.

I do a lot of research about workouts online and keep up with all the fitness magazines and I suppose I ignored all the extra ads until recently.  How can we blame people for not only wanting the quick fix but believing it will work when that is what is advertised every time you turn a page, google for tips, or drive down the road?  The point is these fad diets, supplements, and gimmicks work... IF your definition of work is short term.  If you ask me it didn't work if it doesn't last forever and gimmicks don't last forever, they never have and never will.

It is time to raise our standards of "work" from how hard we work to what we accept as something that is working or has worked for us.

There is no quick and easy way to climb the corporate ladder of success.  There is no quick and easy way to get the starting position on a team.  No quick and easy way to build a great relationship.  No quick and easy way in any aspect of life so don't expect one for your body and health.  The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.

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