Thursday, February 2, 2012

Don't lose sight of the good...

Two blogs in one week?! I just couldn't help myself this time, I wasn't even bugged.

To say that I was cranky today would be an  understatement but I was pushing through and staying positive (or a version thereof).  As usual my clients unknowingly put life into perspective for me.

It amazes me how easily I lose sight of the good.  Can you relate?  At the end of the day I find myself absolutely exhausted (I know everyone can relate) and I focus all my attention on how utterly exhausted I am.  Why am I not focusing on all I accomplished to get myself to the point of exhaustion?  When I do not feel like running (which happens more often than I'd lead one to believe) why do I not instantly recall the amazing feeling I get after completing a hard workout or the excitement of participating in my first big race?  When someone upsets me it is so easy to recall all of their other wrongdoings when I should be reminding myself of all the good they've brought to me.  I lose sight of the good.

Cliche or not I truly believe personal training is what I am meant to do the only thing I do question sometimes is who is the helper and who is the helped. Case and point #1: I suggested that two of the girls step it up a notch, literally and figuratively.  As some of you have learned the hard way my suggestions are normally a polite way of saying "this is what you're going to do."  For those of you who don't know what box jumps are you should learn.  Both girls walk up to the scary bigger box to try for the first time.  Girl #1 looks at the box as if it were going to bite her then immediately shook it off and jumped right up.  Girl #2 did a lot jerking as if she were going to jump and then stopped (something that happens often with box jumps).  Girl #1 then says "I know you can do it! Just don't think about it and do it.  If you just try one time, I'll try to do the big one." Followed by two huge gasps from the two of us watching this exchange.  That workout could have ended at that moment and I would have walked out with a smile on my face.  But in true "You First" fashion girl #2 jumped up on that damn box! And then did it again NINETEEN more times.  Girl #1, yep, she jumped on the biggest box!  At that moment I lost sight of what was making me cranky or that I even was.  And that, my friend, is what I call good.  It will be that feeling of pride, the looks on their faces and the camaraderie I witnessed that I am going to do everything in my power to remember when I'm feeling "less good".

Keep track of the good and when things go bad, don't go your way or just let you down remember it.  Don't lose sight of the good... it's just too good to.

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